Tribes: Ascend’s last patch ushers in maintenance mode


Hi-Rez has implemented several patches since breathing life back into Tribes: Ascend last year. December’s patch was its first since 2013, followed by updates in January and March. Unfortunately, today’s patch will be its last.

Back in July, Hi-Rez Creative Director Sean McBride — the man probably most responsible for rescuing Tribes — announced that he was leaving the company, saying that “Hi-Rez and myself are not aligned.” His departure was due to be marked with the 1.4 patch, dubbed “Parting Gifts,” which Hi-Rez confirmed to Massively OP would be the last one the game will receive.

Parting Gifts removes screenshake, alters consumable pickups, merges bullet-based weapons into one category, balances a number of weapons and vehicles, deletes the in-game web browser, makes the patcher standalone, and fixes a number of other outstanding bugs.

Hi-Rez has said that it will continue to support the game “for the foreseeable future” with live servers and bug/balance tweaks as needed.

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