Cloud Pirates update 1.5 adds new content and changes its ranking system

good at boat

Ah, there’s nothing like the smell of a fresh new patch. It’s full of new things to do, new stuff to explore, and new mechanics to enjoy. Cloud Pirates is still a rather young game, but you can still enjoy the freshness of update 1.5 with its new map, new treasure maps, a new moving control point capture gameplay mode, and the new First Mate feature to help newer players get into the game. That’s all good stuff.

The update also brings along changes to the way the game’s ranking system works. Players will now gain or lose ranking based on how their performances compare with what the system expects, with failure to meet expectations resulting in no change, drastically failing resulting in a rating loss, and meeting or exceeding expectations improving ratings. Players can also check their contributions to the team, so it’s easy to tell at a glance where they’ll need to improve. It’s another sort of freshness, albeit the sort that will take a little getting used to.

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