EVE Online updates the Agency, previews what’s coming in January 2018

Everyone flies free.
The whole point of the Agency in EVE Online was making it easier for players to get to content. Unfortunately, due to backend organization issues, the interface was at best not helping much and at worst actively making it more difficult. Thus, the game’s January patch will features some significant overhauls, starting with a more effective listing of various sites and what’s going on there. Incursion and Faction Warfare sites, for example, will no longer both show up as combat sites; they’ll now be categorized as either incursion sites or faction warfare sites.

This goes hand-in-hand with streamlining to the Journal and moving certain functions off of it; Contracts is being removed and supplanted by the Contracts window, Expeditions will be moved to the Agency, Agents will remain in place, and so forth. You can read the latest development blog for all of the ways your interface is going to change; while the mechanics likely won’t shift much, you’ll feel the change just the same.

Meanwhile, CCP has put out a new in-development video “for info on everything coming out in January, including info on the Yoiul Festival, updates to The Agency, an important announcement from CONCORD, a Christmas gif competition and more”:

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