Rend explains its new Control Points in the alpha test

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The big focus in Rend is about building and augmenting your faction’s base, but there are other parts of the map worth vying for as well. The first development roadmap feature, control points, is currently available to test in the alpha, and it gives each faction a chance to earn valuable resources at the cost of a more vulnerable outer base.

Nine control points are available across the map, in strategic locations as well as on borders and near the center. Once a faction captures a control point, it can build bases around the control point, and the point itself will enjoy a few hours of safety before it can be recaptured. However, it’s still vulnerable, as all three factions will want it for their own due to a steady stream of spirits and the bonus for capturing.

Of course, attacking and recapturing the point lets you take anything still there when it swaps sides as well as offering other rewards based on how long the prior faction held that point. So it’s something to skirmish over as you fight for control of the overall map.

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