
Dr. Richard Bartle is a respected academic and author on the subject of virtual worlds. The Bartle test is named for him. See: Bartle on Wikipedia

Crowfall promises to appeal to the full Bartle spectrum

Almost every MMO player has heard of Richard Bartle's Taxonomy of Player Types. You know, it's that chart where gamers are segmented according to...

Tamriel Infinium: Elder Scrolls Online’s mid-term report card

At the beginning of every year, I give the games that I am embedded in a letter grade centered around the four different player...

The Daily Grind: What one thing should MMORPGs do to increase player retention?

Zubon at Kill Ten Rats recently spied a lovely tidbit over on Dr Richard Bartle's blog. Bartle, I shouldn't need to type, is considered...
Still unable to purchase a bra, though.

The Daily Grind: Should MMORPGs levels be used for gating content?

Massively OP reader Sally Bowls recently pointed us to a blog post by Dr Richard Bartle about the leveling mechanic in RPGs -- and...

‘Father of MMORPGs’ Richard Bartle is publishing new books on the genre

"Father of MMORPGs" Dr. Richard Bartle, author of the pioneering research that spawned the Bartle test, is publishing two new books about our imperiled genre. MMOs from...

MMORPG science in 2015

Better not scoff at academic research: From Superdata to in-house economists, from feminist theory to Bartle, and from education applications to NASA mapping, science is...

Tamriel Infinium: Elder Scrolls Online’s 2015 report card

I’ve never had a chance to do an annual "report card" like this for Elder Scrolls Online because I left the game by the time that...

Exploring ‘The Video Game Debate’: Moral panic and online griefing

Welcome back to our ongoing exploration of Rachel Kowert and Thorsten Quandt’s book The Video Game Debate. As you can guess, the book itself focuses...

Massively Overthinking: Let’s take the classic Bartle test

Here's something you probably didn't know: Online worlds researcher Dr. Richard Bartle didn't actually write the Bartle test. His original research explored, analyzed, and defined the...

How Jedi ruined Star Wars Galaxies

Hope you're not tired of hearing about Star Wars Galaxies because Raph "Holocron" Koster's got SWG on the brain this week, and he's answering...