chris roberts

Star Citizen’s Chris Roberts on dedication, delays, and Derek Smart

In a new and very lengthy interview with Polygon, Chris Roberts fields a wide range of questions about the development and delays of Star...

Leaderboard: Which MMO devs would you like to see in an epic rap battle?

Sometimes the MMO industry is so absurd that all we can do is laugh at it. OK, not sometimes, most of the time, and...

Not So Massively: Path of Exile’s crafting scandal; Sins of a Dark Age’s sunset

This week in Not So Massively games, League of Legends players revealed a reproducible exploit that causes skillshot projectiles to become invisible and may...

Star Citizen threatened with class-action lawsuit

Internet Warlord Derek Smart is at it again: This morning, the dev behind Alganon and Line of Defense ramped up his crusade against Star Citizen and Chris Roberts with...

Get a recap of Star Citizen’s development journey to date

Star Citizen's development is already the stuff of legends and bardic tales, and it isn't even close to being completed yet. If your memory of...

Gamescom 2015: Star Citizen gets a monthly report and a big Gamescom presentation

It's a big day for fans of Star Citizen, as Cloud Imperium has put out a typically massive monthly report. Oh, and there's that...

Gamescom 2015: Star Citizen’s Chris Roberts dismisses Derek Smart

Line of Defense's Derek Smart has made it quite clear what he thinks about Star Citizen and its creator, Chris Roberts, by calling for...
Make My MMO

Make My MMO: July 25, 2015

This week in MMO crowdfunding news, Project Gorgon returned to Kickstarter. Veteran developer Eric Heimburg clearly believes in his fantasy sandpark, and why not? Gorgon...

Star Citizen adds new flyable ships, highlights audio upgrades, and more

Star Citizen added the Merlin and the Scythe to its dogfighting module today, courtest of the 1.1.5 patch. The dev team also upped the...

Roberts calls b.s. on Star Citizen’s feature creep police

Chris Roberts hasn't really responded to all of the internet angst surrounding sci-fi virtual world Star Citizen. He's kinda been busy with, you know,...

Derek Smart demands Star Citizen’s Chris Roberts resign, fronts $1M for audit

Claiming he's had "enough of the bullshit that is the 'vaporware' that RSI/CIG have foisted on legacy backers," game developer and internet...

Derek Smart calls for FTC investigation of Star Citizen’s finances, presents Chris Roberts with list of demands

Game developer Derek Smart continues to be terribly concerned over the future fate of Star Citizen. After an epic-sized rant last week, Smart posted...

The Soapbox: Star Citizen is still worth the wait

Wow, it's Star Citizen and Derek Smart in the same post! OK, now that I've stopped laughing (again), you can call me crazy because I remain optimistic about...

Star Citizen’s new Frankfurt office features 21 devs now, 50 by year’s end

Cloud Imperium has opened a new development office in Frankfurt, Germany, according to the company's latest press release. Star Citizen, dubbed a "first person...

Star Citizen gets a monthly report, Star Marine status update

Hot on the heels of last week's Star Marine delay update comes a new monthly report from Star Citizen chairman Chris Roberts. As per...

Star Citizen’s Roberts on the delayed FPS module, Squadron 42 shoot

Star Citizen boss Chris Roberts released a new letter from the chairman last night, in which he details his experiences directing performance capture for...
oh gosh

The Daily Grind: Do you like mobile gaming?

I feel like the odd man out when it comes to mobile (or more specifically for MassivelyOP's purposes, mobile MMOs). Everyone I know seems to...
Star Marine

Star Citizen reveals Star Marine’s SATA Ball and a whole lot more

Cloud Imperium has dropped a huge info bomb regarding Star Marine, which is what the firm is calling Star Citizen's first person shooter functionality. Like...
Sure you are, home slice.

Star Citizen releases alpha 1.1.1 and a design blog on breathing

Cloud Imperium had a busy Friday, as the firm released Star Citizen Alpha 1.1.1 to backers and also published a couple of notable blog entries....
Star Citizen

Here’s a look inside Star Citizen’s newest dev studio

Cloud Imperium recently opened a new studio to work on Star Citizen. It's located in Frankfurt, and it's called Foundry 42 Germany. Chris Roberts...