
why does this continue

The ESRB seeks a COPPA provision to let apps scan children’s faces for age verification

You might have heard the legal disclaimer "ask your parents' permission before going online" in some advertisements aimed at children, which is understandable because...
We never like these things.

Congress asks publishers to self-regulate lootboxes via a UK regulation that has nothing to do with lootboxes

There are some Democrats in the US Congress that are hoping to do something about lootboxes in the country. That's good. They even went...

The Daily Grind: Does ESRB’s and PEGI’s new lockbox label go far enough?

Last week, ESRB in the US and PEGI in the EU announced they would both be amending their video game rating systems to use...
We never like these things.

PEGI adds lockbox warnings to rating labels

That sure didn't take long. Earlier this week, we found out that the ESRB would be adding a specific content warning to games in...
Kick it down the road.

ESRB starts putting warnings about lockboxes on its game ratings

You have to imagine that a lot of video game marketers have developed facial twitches today upon the news that they will no longer...
May foulness attend thee.

The ESRB proposes new microtransaction label, while Hawaii’s Chris Lee questions the ESA on lockboxes

The Entertainment Software Rating Board claims it's taking steps to solve the lockbox crisis, in part in response to bills before multiple state governments...
Something like that, anyhow.

The Daily Grind: Have you ever taken drugs in an MMORPG?

Probably my favorite screenshot in an MMO is the one I took back in 2003 or so, when my Star Wars Galaxies character was...

Economist argues that the ESRB is wilfully promoting gambling to children

If you've been following the lockbox/lootbox controversy over the last couple of weeks (or last multiple years, ahem), then you know that opponents of...

UK lawmakers examine lockboxes, PEGI leaves definitions to gambling commissions

The ESRB may not be interested in protecting gamers against predatory business model practices like lockboxes, but European regulators may be joining their Chinese...
We never like these things.

But seriously, lockboxes suck, even if the ESRB doesn’t think they’re gambling. Stop buying lockboxes.

So, MMO players. Are you tired of hearing about lockboxes and gambleboxes? It feels like we've been complaining about them for like six or...