expansion launch

Stone city.

EverQuest: The Burning Lands has launched

Well, it's time for another EverQuest expansion, go have fun. Yes, perhaps we don't sound very excited here, but that's not because of lack of...
If you doubted this before, well, don't.

Final Fantasy XIV: Stormblood early access is live

The time has come, everyone. Final Fantasy XIV: Stormblood is now available for play on PlayStation 4 and PC, assuming you pre-ordered and registered...
Do you ever feel like we, as a group, are collectively trying too hard?

Happy World of Warcraft: Legion launch day and roundup

The time is here. After a few weeks of fighting against demonic invasions, World of Warcraft players can access the Broken Isles and start...

Neverwinter: Storm King’s Thunder is live today

Ready to team up with some big heroes and slay some big enemies? Neverwinter's next expansion, Storm King's Thunder, is live today, tasking players...
Oh no, it's all we are.

Star Trek Online: Agents of Yesterday launches on July 6th

Players of Star Trek Online are no strangers to going back in time, but Agents of Yesterday is something different. It's not just traveling...

EverQuest II’s underrealm opens as Terrors of Thalumbra launches

Terrors of Thalumbra joins the pantheon of EverQuest II expansions today; the fantasy game's 12th expansion is now live and enticing the denizens of...
Uh-uh, you can't tell me nothing.

The Crew: Wild Run launches today

Ready to run wild? That's kind of the deal behind the first big expansion for The Crew: Wild Run, which is bringing new cars,...

Flameseeker Chronicles: Last-minute hopes and preparation for Guild Wars 2’s Heart of Thorns

I swear I've been waiting all year to say this: Heart of Thorns hits this Friday, everyone! Cue the massive in-game parties, mass orders...
Well, I guess you guys can ransack my stuff again. But only this one extra time.

Final Fantasy XIV: Heavensward formally launches today

After months of anticipation for the community, Final Fantasy XIV's first expansion launches today. Heavensward is available now for players who didn't preorder or...
Burn it down, baby.

Wisdom of Nym: Preparing for Final Fantasy XIV’s early access

The long wait is almost over. Heavensward early access starts up on June 19th, and it comes with a lot of changes. Starting with,...
You won't be going here for a while first.

Final Fantasy XIV outlines E3 plans and starts an art countdown

Final Fantasy XIV's first expansion launches into early access in just 10 days as of this writing, right after the wrapup of this year's...