horizontal progression

Vitae Aeternum: New World’s dungeon finder is a welcome addition

A few weeks ago, New World finally launched its cross-world expedition group finder, otherwise known as a dungeon finder. While it was arguably overdue,...

Vitae Aeternum: What Amazon’s Lord of the Rings MMO should (and shouldn’t) take from New World

We've had one, yes, but what about second attempt by Amazon to deliver a Lord of the Rings MMO? During the last run at...

The Daily Grind: What are the best and worst horizontal progression systems in an MMORPG?

This morning, I want to talk about horizontal progression systems in MMOs, of which I am generally a fan! And I'm gonna start with...

Not So Massively: First impressions of StarCraft II’s co-op prestige system

Last week, StarCraft II celebrated its tenth anniversary by launching the major 5.0 patch. With it came the new "prestige" system for co-op mode,...

Not So Massively: Imagining a true MMORTS

MMOs and RTS are two of the genres of game I play the most. Given that, you'd think I'd be a big fan of...

Not So Massively: Meet the new Torchlight, same as the old Torchlight

Last week brought the bombshell announcement that the MMOARPG Torchlight: Frontiers has been rebooted as simply Torchlight III, a more traditional ARPG with single-player...

Not So Massively: Yearning for an MMO future free of loot

Throughout all of the Drama over Anthem's loot issues, I've just been rolling my eyes. Not because I think Bioware screwed up -- arguably...

Torchlight Frontiers takes player feedback on horizontal progression, details development updates

Earlier this month, the folks at PWE-published Echtra Games took to the Torchlight subreddit to open up a conversation with the community regarding the dev...

MMO Mechanics: Enhancing MMORPGs with experiential learning mechanics

Ever since I considered the responses to a Massively Overthinking article in which a developer asked if a prestige system to encourage replaying an...

Guild Wars 2 Heart of Thorns launch diary: Gaining masteries and lessening the grind

I've had the whole weekend with Heart of Thorns now, and I'm progressing very nicely in both the story and masteries. I've still yet to...

Flameseeker Chronicles: Expanding into Guild Wars 2’s Heart of Thorns

When Guild Wars 2's expansion was announced, most of the questions on our lips were permutations of "What's the new level cap?" and "What...