launch day

Black Desert launches on PS4 today – with a new video starring actress Megan Fox

Did you know Megan Fox was a big Black Desert fan? I didn't either, but maybe it's no surprise, given that she's become pretty...

Lord of the Rings Online will deploy Mordor on Wednesday

Standing Stone Games now says it will launch Mordor on Wednesday after a delay of just two days. "We have some good news on Mordor;...

Lord of the Rings Online has delayed Mordor’s release

Those of you who were hoping to casually stroll into the eponymous Mordor in Lord of the Rings Online will be sorely disappointed today,...

Final Fantasy XIV: Stormblood has launched today

The time is finally here. While pre-ordered players were able to play from Friday onward, Final Fantasy XIV: Stormblood officially launches today. Players of...
Do you ever feel like we, as a group, are collectively trying too hard?

Happy World of Warcraft: Legion launch day and roundup

The time is here. After a few weeks of fighting against demonic invasions, World of Warcraft players can access the Broken Isles and start...
Springlike, sort of?

Landmark announces a June 10th launch date

It's a little later in the "spring" than expected, depending on how strictly you adhere to the season or the solstice, but it's finally...

The Stream Team: Raising a Black Desert black smoke buddy

Can that creepy little Black Desert black smoke buddy actually get creepier? Yes, yes it can, as MassivelyOP's MJ recently learned. She was just questing...
I expected blacker.

Black Desert’s western launch arrives with new trailer

Welcome to Black Desert's official North American and European launch day! The servers are down right now for maintenance before the big rush, but we've...

The Stream Team: Back for more killer kitties in Blade & Soul

Instead of going through that introduction again on a new class, MassivelyOP's MJ is continuing her Blade & Soul adventures on TestSubject the Summoner...
Spam spam spam spam spam baked beans spam spam and spam.

Guild Wars 2 recaps raids, PvP leagues, and legendary weapons

The first expansion for Guild Wars 2 launches on October 23rd, which means that players are now in the final countdown. Perhaps you'd like...

World of Warships makes history come alive (and shoot you)

In honor of World of Warships' official launch today, we're celebrating what makes this naval combat game come alive. Previously, I explored the details and...

Neverwinter: Strongholds will launch August 11th

For the past two months, Neverwinter has been all about the next major patch, which will give players the ability to band together, take...
Well, I guess you guys can ransack my stuff again. But only this one extra time.

Final Fantasy XIV: Heavensward formally launches today

After months of anticipation for the community, Final Fantasy XIV's first expansion launches today. Heavensward is available now for players who didn't preorder or...