star wars battlefront 2

Not So Massively: Checking the pulse of Star Wars Battlefront II

As I am someone who is at best lukewarm to the Star Wars franchise, nearly as ambivalent toward shooters, and almost entirely uninterested in...

Star Wars Battlefront 2 makes the Kessel run to freedom

Launching in 2017, Star Wars Battlefront 2 brought high-stakes conflict to gamers who both loved the Star Wars IP and shooting things in the...

Massively OP’s Best of 2017 Awards: Best Not-So-Massively Game of 2017

Massively Overpowered's end-of-the-year 2017 awards continue today with our award for Best Not-So-Massively Game, which was awarded to Overwatch last year. As you might surmise, the...

Massively OP’s Best of 2017 Awards: Biggest MMO Story of 2017

Massively Overpowered's end-of-the-year 2017 awards continue today with our award for Biggest MMO Story, which was awarded to the death of EverQuest Next last year. This isn't...

EA caught in lie over Star Wars Battlefront II customization, brings lootbox madness to UFC 3

Among the controversy of EA's pay-to-win lockboxes in Star Wars Battlefront II emerges a rather reasonable question: Why didn't the studio create and use...
Kick it down the road.

Red Dead Redemption publisher president defends lockboxes

Not everyone in the video game industry is shying away from lockboxes or denouncing them outright. Take-Two Interactive President Karl Slatoff took the side...

EA lockbox debacle wipes out billions in stock as SuperData forecasts regulation

It looks as though the rebels may have defeated the empire -- or at least struck a mighty blow to give the latter pause. CNBC...

Analyst blames EA’s Star Wars Battlefront 2 fiasco on the press, Reddit, and video game purists

KeyBanc Capital Markets financial analyst Evan Wingren, who surely makes more money than you do, wants you to know that he's a gamer too!...
Awesome. Very impressive. Great job.

EA disables all Star Wars Battlefront 2 microtransaction crud – for now

Whenever you see a studio call fans "passionate," it's almost always shorthand for "rioting with pitchforks and torches." Guess what Star Wars Battlefront 2's...
Oh dear.

Star Wars Battlefront 2: The AMA, Wall Street, and the Belgian gambling commission

In case you ever wanted to sniff the distinct scent of internet dumpster fire, you probably should've gone to the Star Wars Battlefront II...