the division

Official Site: The Division
Studio: Ubisoft
Launch Date: N/A
Genre: Post-Apocalyptic MMOTPS
Business Model: B2P (DLC)
Platform: PC, PS4, Xbox One

It's important to tune these things.

The Division 2 previews cosmetic gear customization for Update 11

The Division 2 has a specific look for its characters, and that look involves appearing as if you were shopping at whatever sporting goods...

Social scientists study Minecraft and One Hour One Life communities

You might think scientists would balk at the idea of using online gaming communities as a test bed for study, given those communities'... strong...

The Division 2 releases Title Update 10 but takes the season pass offline due to a bug

Title Update 10 for The Division 2 was released yesterday and it looks to have no shortage of things for players to check out....

One Shots: Reading rainbow

Last week we asked readers to share their favorite color in the form of a screenshot. But why pick one color when WildStar had...

The Game Archaeologist: Were sequels ever a good idea for MMOs?

From movies to books to video games, sequels (and all related spin-offs) are a common sight when a property is sufficiently successful enough. Even...

The MOP Up: Second Life’s super expensive brothel

It's not every week that my editor marches up to me and demands that I cover virtual brothels as headlining stories, but this did...
Multi-digit division.

Division 2 datamining unearths new game mode, now confirmed by Ubisoft

The intention of a public test server is for the public to test things -- it's literally in the server's name. One Redditor, however,...
Not politic

The Division 2’s update 9.1 makes NPCs just worse all around

Gosh, if the NPCs in The Division 2 were players... well, they wouldn't be NPCs at that point by definition, but they'd also be pretty...
Bad men.

The Division 2 delays Title Update 9.1 by a few days

Every experienced Division agent knows that timing is crucial to the success of any operation -- and that sometimes that timing has to change...

Xbox X developers include Blizzard, Bungie, Pearl Abyss, and Square Enix

With the console still on track to release sometime during the holiday season later this year, the Xbox Series X is preparing a huge...
This could be darker.

The Division 2 is balancing enemies and reanimating the dead in Update 9.1 on May 12

The Division 2 has put out another State of the Game livestream, and this one is all about the features of Update 9.1, which...

The Division 2’s latest update adjusts some exotics and adds exotic reconfiguration

Ah, the exotic item. The most shimmery of shiny loot. It's an endorphin injector when you get a great drop and a staggering disappointment...

The MOP Up: Elder Scrolls Online’s daughter of giants

The countdown is on for Elder Scrolls Online: Greymoor. One of the characters that you will bump into in Skyrim is Lyris Titanborn, a...

Global Chat: Is Animal Crossing New Horizons an MMO?

One trend that we have noticed over the past decade or so is the blurring of lines between "regular" video games and MMORPGs. It...

The Division 2 plans balance changes to several enemies, skills, exotics, and talents in update 8.5

Ah yes, the balance change update. The one that either brings joy or rage to a player's face. The Division 2 is primed for...
Cold times

The MOP Up: Big huge numbers for Monster Hunter World and Sky

We assume that there are some of you out there who get an injection of dopamine anytime that we mention Big Huge Numbers here...

The MOP Up: Dark Age of Camelot widens its F2P doorway

St. Patty's day is alive and kicking in Dark Age of Camelot through next Wednesday, but the big news here is that Broadsword is...

The Division 2 announces March 17 arrival to Stadia with PC cross-play

It's too early to tell whether this will be the shot in the arm the Stadia needs to its anemic and generally unattractive to...

The Division 2’s Warlords of New York expansion is officially live

It's time to go back to Manhattan, Agents. The Division 2 has officially launched its major Warlords of New York expansion, and by the...

The Division 2 outlines its new Seasons endgame activities arriving with Warlords of New York

While a lot of the focus from The Division 2 has been about the content arriving with Warlords of New York, that's not the...