

Warhammer Online
WAR40K Eternal Crusade


Warhammer Return of Reckoning’s three-year-long ability rework is ‘nearing a release-ready phase’

It's taken the player developers of Warhammer Online's Return of Reckoning rogue server three years to rework the MMORPG's massive number of abilities, but...

The Game Archaeologist: MegaWars, the Star Trek online sim from the ’70s

When we look at the early days of online computer gaming, it shouldn't be a surprise that the geeky crowd that was working on...

New World backs off plan to test 40v40 wars thanks to player feedback

Earlier this week, Amazon announced that it was considering major changes to New World's large-scale wars. On the test server was a revision that...
It knows you sinned.

Activision-Blizzard cuts sales to Russia, pledges support for Ukraine

Activision-Blizzard is the latest gaming company to cut ties with Russia in the wake of the country's recent invasion into Ukraine. "Today, we are announcing...

WAR’s Return of Reckoning hosts Keg’s End and more Twitch Drops

The good folks over at the Warhammer Online rogue server are working to close out the year on the best green, muscley foot possible....

EVE Evolved: Big things are happening in EVE Online this spring

There's a lot going on in EVE Online right now, from the insane storyline playing out right now in-game and new Triglavian ships on...

EVE Evolved: EVE Online’s storyline is about to go off the rails

The most compelling stories that emerge from EVE Online are usually tales of player-based conflict, dastardly deals, and political intrigue, but the game's core...

EVE Evolved: Solving conflict avoidance in EVE Online

Back in October, I made the case that wars were literally ruining EVE Online for the huge number of players living in high-security space....

EVE Vegas 2018: EVE Online is finally getting a fair wardec system

In my latest EVE Evolved column, I looked into the unfair nature of highsec war declaration in EVE Online. This feature bypasses police protections...

EVE Evolved: Wars are literally ruining EVE Online

EVE Online is fundamentally about real conflict between players on massive scales, and yet I would venture to say that wars are literally ruining...
Please, just... potter less.

EVE Online coalition war is brought to an end through a shady backroom treaty

If there's one constant in CCP's free-for-all space sim EVE Online, it's that someone will always be at war with someone else, and with...

EVE Online sparks a 4,000-strong player battle

EVE Online seems to make the most waves when its community pulls off a major scam, destroys a ship worth way too much real-world...
Let it burn.

The War of Thorns starts today in World of Warcraft

All right, champions, time to run down our list for what we need to get done before World of Warcraft: Battle for Azeroth is...

EVE Evolved: Four changes to improve EVE Online for new players

A few months ago, I created a new character and ran through the new player experience for an article on how to get new...

EVE Fanfest 2018: Andrew Groen on the sequel to his popular EVE Online history book

One of the most common comments you'll see in articles about big events in EVE Online is that it's a lot more entertaining to...

GDC 2018: Depictions of violence and war in video games and Destiny’s Sword

I love stories. Maybe it's the teacher in me, but I love stories not just for their raw entertainment value, but for their ability...

The Game Archaeologist: Climax’s Warhammer Online

Let's begin with a little personal history. Back in 2008, I decided to get into the blogging scene by jumping on board the latest...

EVE Evolved: The strategy and narrative of EVE’s revenge war

At the start of this month, we reported on a massive new war that was kicking off in the north of EVE Online. The...

EVE Evolved: Does EVE Online need more conflict-drivers?

Of all the terminology associated with EVE Online, the one thing that's always made me a bit uncomfortable is to hear players describe PvP as "generating...

EVE Evolved: War declarations need revamped for the citadel era

It's a universally accepted fact in EVE Online that you're never truly safe from attack. Low-security space is littered with pirates looking for an...