winter holiday 2015

The Stream Team: Ending the year in The Secret World’s Issue #13

It's been really hard for MassivelyOP's MJ to resist diving into The Secret World's Issue #13 so she could share it with you all,...
Just hear those sleigh bells jingle.

Allods Online offers players a slice of holiday cheer

The holidays are pretty well and truly over for most of us, but they're not so far in the past that we can't get...

Tiptoeing through ArcheAge’s 2015

It has been quite a year for ArcheAge. As you look back over the past 12 months, you certainly can't say 2015 was uneventful;...

Valve finally addresses Steam’s Christmas fiasco, says a DDOS led to the caching error

Valve has finally addressed Steam's Christmas caching fiasco. In an announcement today, it explains the problem: that for 90 minutes on Christmas day, people...
Deck the, um... halls. Or don't. It's cool.

Survarium patch 0.34 adds Christmas-themed raiding and improved netcode

The good news is that if you're reading this today, you've managed to survive the holiday rush. The question, then, is whether or not...

Project Gorgon toys with animal town and raffle machine

The crazy and cool ideas burbling out of Project Gorgon keep on coming, with Lead Developer Eric Heimburg taking to Twitter lately to tease...

The MOP Up: A look behind A Realm Reborn (December 27, 2015)

The MMO industry moves along at the speed of information, and sometimes we’re deluged with so much news here at Massively Overpowered that some...

One Shots: A blast of winter joy

Aw, you guys! The call for winter and holiday screenshots proved to be a sustaining request, as many of you kept sending in more...

The Stream Team: The lure of LOTRO’s Yule festival

MassivelyOP's MJ can't help it: She loves holiday festivals! And LOTRO's Yule festival is full of fun winter activities that reward participants with tokens...

The Stream Team: Have a hoppy holiday with Guild Wars 2’s jumping puzzle

Nothing says it's the holidays better than hopping around on brightly colored candy pieces like an over-caffeinated bunny while trying not to fall to...

RIFT gives a week of patron access to everyone

To celebrate the holidays -- and promote its newest patch -- RIFT is giving everyone patron access for seven days. Patron access is RIFT's subscription...

The Daily Grind: Are you playing MMOs on Christmas today?

Christmas means different things to different people. Some folks imbue it with family-oriented festivities, others consider it a religious day, and others just think of it as...

Massively Overthinking: One MMO wish for 2016

We gave out a lot of awards this month for things games did in 2015, and we talked about what we think will happen...

The Stream Team: Christmas lights, Landmark style

Many families have a holiday tradition of going out to see the Christmas lights. But why force yourself to bundle up to go out?...
Ho, then when I say so, ho again.

The Daily Grind: Which MMO has the best holiday content?

You might have noticed that we're currently awash in seasonal festivities, not just in the real world but in MMOs as well. Christmas is...

Not So Massively: Winter game update edition (December 21, 2015)

Online gaming and e-sports are getting bigger by the day, and there are literally hundreds of popular online games out there that don’t really...

LOTRO invites all to enjoy the warmth of its Yule Festival

Middle-earth's Winter-home is once again open for merriment and questing, as Lord of the Rings Online has brought back its Yule Festival for another...

Guild Wars 2 teases world-vs.-world tweaks

ArenaNet offered Guild Wars 2 world-vs.-world fans an early Christmas present this evening in the form of a sneak-peek at a set of changes...

Log into Marvel Heroes and get free stuff over Christmas

Marvel Heroes is no stranger to rocking a Christmas event, and this year's is going to last 14 days. Starting today, you can log...

Elite: Dangerous offers training vids, support for Star Citizen

Elite: Dangerous is busy celebrating the launch of Horizons this week, but if you've never played before, you could probably use some training, and...