There’s a new name on the community team for ArcheAge this week. Evan “Scapes” Berman has posted his farewell letter on the game’s official forums, announcing his departure from the game. Taking over for him is Seraphina Brennan, known for handling community relations on Infinite Crisis and various writing duties for some group of weirdos on a site called Massively back in days of yore.
So we’re kind of happy to see it.
Scapes will continue to be taking part in the game’s weekly livestream while Trion’s Austin studio prepares to host livestream events locally, and he stresses that he will still be playing the game as before. “I am joining FireCait on a new, as-of-yet-unannounced project,” he wrote. “You may have seen our teaser for it last week: devilinsideyou.com.” So while it’s sad to say farewell to a community manager who’s been part of the community for a while, he’s leaving for better things, and someone excellent is stepping in to fill his shoes.
Trion’s Brasse further told fans that “for the first time, ArcheAge will have a full-time, dedicated Community Manager. Scapes was juggling AA alongside Defiance and it was a heck of a load. Defiance is going to Kiwibird, and with Celestrata here now, [Trion is]Â going to have more time dedicated to you folks. ArcheAge deserves it!”