Here’s an interesting tidbit: Did you know that killing one player in a PvP area in World of Warcraft can get you banned? Not normally, perhaps, but a multiboxer playing on 60 simultaneous accounts reported a player on every one of those accounts, with speculation on Reddit being that it tripped an automated ban on Blizzard’s end. The original thread on the official forums has been deleted, but Reddit’s speculation is still there if you want to examine the various half-bits of evidence. Update: Blizzard has said the player was banned, but not for that reason – see below.
Not in the mood for that sort of thing today? Well, you could purchase the digital deluxe upgrade for Warlords of Draenor, as the various bonuses have been made available for purchase again for a limited time. Or you could jump on down below to check out a comparison of the new view distance boundaries for the live game compared to Legion. Those are a bit less contentious.
Since I'm getting a bunch of tweets about it – that guy wasn't banned because of a number of reports, he was banned for breaking ToS.
— Lore (@CM_Lore) December 15, 2015
Guys. Seriously. If this was a case of "a multiboxer reported someone 40 times and they got auto-banned" we would absolutely overturn it.
— Lore (@CM_Lore) December 16, 2015