It’s a love story for the ages: A man is trying to find a cure for his wife’s terminal illness while she’s in cryogenic status. That sounds all well and good, but when the man in question is the insane Mr. Freeze and he’s willing to accept collateral damage in his pursuit of a cure, then it starts to cause problems.
Mr. Freeze’s quest to get his wife back is at the core of DC Universe Online’s Love Conquers All event, which is running for the duration of this month. The holiday quests lead into a four-person instance, Love’s Battlefield, which will pit player parties against passion and pastels in the pursuit of plenty of pretties (rewards, that is).
Love Conquers All is also making Valentine’s Day-themed housing decor available at the vendors, so if you have a hankering for a lair full of pink hearts, you better get a move on!