Warhammer 40K: Eternal Crusade studio Behaviour Interactive has gone in depth on PC Gamer about the Eldar faction currently under construction for the lobby shooter that will someday become an MMO. The faction will boast seven different classes, each with a clear-cut role.
“[For] example, the Howling Banshees are good at one thing—that’s charging at the enemy and chopping them up,” Lead Designer Brent Ellison explained. “So we’re giving them tools they need to do that, but that’s exactly what the Howling Banshees do and if they try to do anything else they’re going to be in trouble.”
Executive Producer Nathan Richardsson took on the Warhammer curse too. “Everybody is afraid that we’re gonna blow up like other 40K games,” he sighed. But Ellison was more positive: “We would already have blown up. We’ve had opportunities to blow up, but we haven’t blown up yet.”