Tired of seeing red hearts and pink frosting everywhere you go this month? Then you better avoid Skyforge with a passion, as the game is kicking off its Mysteries of Love event today. In it, players can earn event currency by dealing with an amorous dryad, play cupid, or hand out Valentine’s Day cards (aw).
The event comes hand-in-hand with the March of Knowledge patch, which has also gone live. This huge content update includes a really neat photomode that will help players take intense screenshots, a new hostile territory area, the laboratory feature, more pantheon wars options, an urgent call system for invasion, and legendary ancient rings. Naturally, you’ll want to read the full patch notes for all of the details.
If you’re not quite as weary of the lovey-dovey season (or harbor a secret fondness for it), you can check out Skyforge’s love story after the jump.