The MMO industry moves along at the speed of information, and sometimes we’re deluged with so much news here at Massively Overpowered that some of it gets backlogged. That’s why there’s The MOP Up: a weekly compilation of smaller MMO stories and videos that you won’t want to miss. Seen any good MMO news? Hit us up through our tips line!
This past week a top raiding guild up and quit World of Warcraft, Jagex’s devs got threatened with unicorn poo, creepy dolls invaded Final Fantasy XIV, and more!
New Games and Testing
- MU: Origin: The second closed beta for this mobile title will kick off on March 4th for both iOS and Android devices. Launch is slated for later this spring. Check out the trailer below!
- Asta: This eastern fantasy title is being brought over to Latin America and Brazil this spring by Axeso5. Open beta (the de facto launch) will start in that region on March 8th.
- Paragon: Learn all about why Epic is making this MOBA in a new interview! “There’s also the strategy with the map choices, the itemisation… Games are always fresh because of the way the MOBA genre is.”
- Aura Kingdom: This free-to-play title got a whopping update this week with a level cap increase to 90, new zones, new dungeons, and a new eidolon, whatever that is. It’s probably rockin’.
- Toram Online: The consignment system is now in the game, allowing players to buy, sell, and trade without having to shout in chat channels. [Source: press release]
- Path of Exile: Get a sneak peek at five new unique items that are coming with the Ascendancy expansion!
- Star Conflict: Rank 11 destroyers, shield modules, and anti-alien ammo are all part of this game-shaking update. [thanks to I-Spy for the tip!]
- RuneScape: Jagex is participating in GameBlast 16 to raise funds for a charity that helps people with physical disabilities play games. The studio is subjecting its devs to be doused with “thousands of liters of pink, glittery unicorn poo” if the community donates enough money.
- Final Fantasy XIV: The Little Ladies’ Day event is already in full swing, and if you can stomach the dolls, you might be able to get some new furnishings and outfits as a result!
- Skyforge: There’s a new mini-event going on for players to send their followers to investigate a strange habitat in the game! When they’re off doing that, kick back with a lore article about Cronnel Platforms.
Odds and Ends
- World of Warcraft: Well-known Finnish raiding guild Paragon announced that it will be disbanding due to a decrease in interest in its members. The guild leaves behind a legacy of several world firsts.
- Neverwinter: Check out some more of the visual creation of the upcoming Maze Engine patch!
- Elder Scrolls Online: Every good thief needs a trustworthy partner, and players in this game will be getting Quen when the new DLC arrives. Learn more about this mysterious character!
We promised, and now we will deliver the MU: Origin beta trailer. Got your drinks and snacks ready? All comfy in that chair? Good, because here we go!
Speaking of MU, the 11th season of MU Online is starting up next month on March 8th. The centerpiece of this update will be the city of Ferea, which resides in the middle of a desert. Check out the preview video below!