The Division is almost here full-time, all the way live, and so forth. Don’t want to wait until tomorrow, though? You can just jump in and see everything in the game right now. Perhaps not everything, really, but avid dataminers have already mined out a huge portion of the game including audio, ability descriptions, weapons, and so forth. There are, of course, a metric ton of spoilers contained therein, so keep that in mind before you dive in and feel cheated by audio revelations you weren’t meant to see yet.
If you don’t want to see everything but still want to see something, there’s a new character creation video stashed just past the break. There’s also the revelation that Brooklyn is included in the core game, albeit just a very small portion of it for the game’s tutorial. Whether or not that means that more of Brooklyn is coming sooner rather than later remains to be seen, but fans can take heart at the fact that there’s still more in the game than had previously been known.
And if you’re confused about when exactly the game unlocks for you, you’re not alone; it’ll be a staggered launch across timezones and platforms. Fortunately, there’s a handy tool telling you when exactly you need to set your alarm.