You’ve read about Pantheon, you’ve followed the various crowdfunding campaigns, and you’ve devoured every second of its trailers. Now it’s time to see the game in action.
This Friday, the Visionary Realms team is going to be playing Pantheon: Rise of the Fallen on Twitch for the first time. The stream will take place at 7:00 p.m. EST on March 11th.
“Join CCO Brad McQuaid, Creative Director Chris Perkins, and a handful of other VR developers as they play through some of Pantheon’s content,” the description reads. “The team at VR will be showing viewers some new regions, a bit of combat, and lightly touch on some of the differentiators that make Pantheon the unique classically-spirited MMO that is poised to capture a market segment many have overlooked or may not have even known about.”