After a brief delay brought on by minor technical difficulties, Tree of Savior’s founder’s servers — Klaipeda and Orsha — came alive this morning, so if you’ve picked up one of the founder packs with exclusive early access, you’re now in. The free-to-play servers launch April 28th.
“The time to save the world and find the goddesses has finally come!” says IMCGames. Except every Tuesday from 1 to 5 a.m., when the servers are undergoing routine maintenance. That is the time to do something other than save the world.
IMCGames also has a long thread running on the official forums suggesting there’s hope for a future EU server. “I’d like to ask where in Europe you expect the EU server to be located. Is anywhere in Europe okay or is there a certain country that gives you better ping?” asks a staffer. “In addition, could you tell me where you’re playing from? Not only European players, I’m asking everyone.” Better go vote!
And if you’re already playing, which server are you on?
Which Tree of Savior early access founder server are you playing on? (Pick as many as relevant.)
- Klaipeda (17%, 74 Votes)
- Orsha (11%, 49 Votes)
- Waiting for EU server (11%, 46 Votes)
- Not playing YET (10%, 44 Votes)
- Not playing EVER (4%, 17 Votes)
- Waiting for F2P (26%, 112 Votes)
- Elf butts (21%, 90 Votes)
Total Voters: 381