As of this report, BioWare has not made mention of the free transfers on Twitter or on the official forms. However, I have confirmed that it did work and did not cost a single Cartel Coin because I did it myself.
If you missed out last night, the cost of 90 Cartel Coins is still not that high considering the previous cost was 1800 Cartel Coins prior to the Knights of the Fallen Empire expansion launch.
Speculation in the game community has already begun. We reached out to BioWare this morning to get to the bottom of it and will update when we know more.
Hey folks, Just to clear up any confusion. Yes, server transfers did end up free for a period of a few hours last night. However, this isn’t a permanent change. There is also no need to panic as this isn’t a precursor to anything. We had received reports that players were experiencing problems over the past few days with Character Transfers. We were doing some testing with the Character Transfer service to resolve this issue and the price going to zero was a side effect of that testing. Some very observant players were able to benefit from that testing . Apologies for any confusion!