We’ve got a bit more clarity today on the financial impact of Tree of Savior’s recent wave of bot and exploiter bannings and the concomitant suspension of founder packs: IMC Games told players today that it has had to reset the prices of its Tree of Savior packs on Steam to counter a scheme undertaken by players in regions with low prices to snap up tokens cheaply and trade them for silver, something players in other regions cannot do.
By way of apology for the “sudden, drastic price increase,” IMC says it will open a South American server after all, apply different prices to South American and South East Asian servers following the F2P launch, and put an end to token trade and arbitrage between the regions.
“Lastly, we’ve decided to raise the discount on our DLC products. We will be selling them at 50% off instead of the 30% originally planned. The content of the DLC products including the TP amount will not change. Players who have already purchased the DLC products previously will be able to buy the discounted packs as well, since they are treated as new products. This discount will start on the 21st as planned and will remain available until near the F2P transition date. These 50%-off DLC products will not take regional pricing into account as they will be discontinued before F2P and regional pricing implementation for the SA and SEA servers.”
The end result for non-cheaters? The release date for the F2P game has been pushed back. “Our goal is to finish transferring teams to the appropriate servers first before opening up our game to the general public,” says the studio. “We expect the transition to F2P to happen sometime early to mid-May, and we will make a separate announcement once the date is confirmed. We apologize to those who have been waiting eagerly for the F2P transition.”