“Dear Massively OP,” we fully expect a fan to email us, “Today I was disturbed and perplexed at the sight of a jouster sitting on a Pokemon stabbing a giant raccoon in the back on your site. Could you explain this to me?”
Why certainly, well-spoken reader! This is one of the many, many permutations of Tree of Savior’s Swordsman class, the Raccoon-Reaper. Oh, it probably has an official name, but we dwell in a world of realism here.
Anyway, the Swordsman is the central focus of a new trailer for the Japan version of the game. Tree of Savior is heading into open beta in that country next month with a launch to follow in September. But no matter where you live, you can check out the following video to see the variations and moves of the Swordsman and his raccoon-hating ways.