Crowfall teases the Guinecean Duelist, shifts development to focus on foundations


Small and deadly: That might just be the motto of the Guinecean Duelist, Crowfall’s newest archetype in development. ArtCraft teased the pint-sized class yesterday and discussed how the team was shifting its focus to work on some of the essential foundations of the game.

“Instead of focusing on high-level game systems, we decided to go ahead and bite off some of the more challenging, foundational pieces of the game — i.e. the “big ticket” items that make an MMO work,” ArtCraft said. “These are huge, very challenging features that we knew we would have to face at some point, like stitching parcels together seamlessly to make large worlds that can support hundreds (and thousands) of concurrent players, and optimizing client performance to get more than a dozen characters on the screen.”

As we wait for all of this to come to fruition, there’s always more time to spend listening to the developers talk about… themselves! J. Todd Coleman sat down for the first part of an interview covering his life and project history, which you can watch below.

Source: Crowfall #1, #2
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