A refined and sophisticated setting such as the one in Ever, Jane deserves all of the luxuries that it can garner, don’t you agree? The game’s first open beta patch thinks so, at least, as it has added a new roleplay setting to the Jane Austen MMO.
Players can now check out the Circulating Library and Reading Room: “His Lordship of the nearby estate has graciously paid the fees for our village to have a Circulating Library. The new construction is ongoing across the green from Mrs. Hatch’s cottage. (This space is currently just a new public space, but we intend to add functionality in the future.)”
The patch hammered away at lag issues, made a small change to the UI, and allowed players the choice upon logging in to either roam about the town or practice ballroom dancing at the estate. Yo dawg, I heard you have mad ballroom dancing skills!