Did you miss The Elder Scrolls Online’s PC/PS4 free-play event last weekend? Great news: There’s another one this weekend — but only on Xbox One this time. Bethsoft has just announced the free-play event for the previously left-out console will kick off on Wednesday, November 23rd, and end Sunday, November 27th. As during the last promo event, new accounts will be gifted 500 cash shop credits to play with. Here’s the whole deal:
“Do you want to check out The Elder Scrolls Online with no strings attached? Beginning on Wednesday, November 23rd at 12:01am EST, Xbox Gold members will be able to download ESO and play for free through the weekend! To download ESO, just visit the Xbox Store from your system and locate The Elder Scrolls Online: Tamriel Unlimited. Once it’s finished downloading, you can begin playing immediately (note that the full game is approximately 80GB, so make sure you have space on your hard drive.) You’ll also receive 500 crowns to spend on whatever you’d like in the Crown Store after you create your account. If you participate in our Free Play Weekend and would like to purchase the game, The Elder Scrolls Online: Gold Edition will be on sale for the duration of the Free Play Weekend. In addition, we’ll be offering discounts on Crown Packs as well through various storefronts.”
If you took the studio up on the freebie event last weekend, did you stick around and buy in?