Are you a good or bad person at heart when you play pretend? Either way, you will have a place in Identity, an upcoming MMORPG that will put players in fictional swath of America and allow them to choose their own careers and goals. Some of these can be noble, like being a member of the police, while others, such as drug dealers, can offer a glimpse into the darker side of society.
“Identity is a cops and robbers game at heart,” Asylum Entertainment wrote in its FAQ, “but it is a life simulator in so many other ways; immersion is one of our key focuses. We’re catering to role-play in a way that is possibly the first of its kind. Players have the freedom to pursue careers that will impact the player economy in their own unique way.”
The game was the result of a successful Kickstarter back in early 2015 that raised CA$187,859. Currently the team is working on producing three playable modules prior to the full launch, the first of which will be a social town square setting coming in early 2017. You can get an overview of the game and a look at its housing system after the break!