“Yep, there was a short-lived APEX bug that allowed some folks to gain more credits than they should have,” Senior Community Relations Manager Celestrata told Reddit rabble-rousers griping about forum moderation last night. “We’ve been watching it minute by minute since the first person discovered it, while the XLGAMES team replaced the code that protected against this problem in our version. We’ve removed all of the gains from those who used it, in addition to permanently banning those few accounts who were directly involved. We didn’t say anything during the time it was active of course, as it was important to keep it contained such that we could keep APEX accessible for our free to play players who rely on it for their Patron time. In short, this problem hasn’t caused any harm to the ArcheAge economy or world.”
The statement hasn’t really quelled the ArcheAge Redditors, some of whom insist Trion hasn’t banned everyone and left potentially billions in the economy.
It ought to go without saying that posting about exploits on official game forums is probably a bad idea if you like your account, so maybe stick to bug reports.