When it comes to vital qualities of action RPGs, having a silky smooth framerate even under extreme visual duress is right there at the top of most gamers’ preferences. Tree of Savior’s team admits that its game hasn’t always played as it should, which is why much work has been given to further optimization.
“We needed some time to reconsider the optimization process for there were certain stability issues,” the team reported. “These issues have been dealt with since then and, with that success, different aspects of the optimization process have improved as a result. In this quest for optimization, we set out one goal: make the game run without a hitch even with 100 players on the screen!”
Another ongoing project by the team is to rectify “class disparity” by bringing the roles into (more or less) balance. Five class patches have already been deployed since the game’s launch, and there are two more in the works as you read this. Barbarians, Monks, Rune Casters, and Cannoneers are are slated for overhauls, after which PvP balance patches are planned to address specific over- or underpowered skills.