The Quaggan, without a doubt, are the cutest race in Guild Wars 2. They also don’t show up constantly, which helps. An awful lot of designated cute player races (Asura in GW2, Lalafell in Final Fantasy XIV, Gnomes in World of Warcraft) show up so frequently as to quickly lose any cuteness value, because nothing makes something stop being cute faster than having it shoved in your face repeatedly while being told that it’s so cute. This is the paradox of cute things. The team needs to know that something is cute and players want to be around it, but it also needs to not be so constantly ubiquitously cloyingly cute that it wears out its welcome.
But today’s question isn’t about the cutest critter, it’s about what falls into that aforementioned trap with the greatest vigor. And there are a lot of options, from the ubiquitous moogles of Final Fantasy XI to the droopy-faced rowsdowers of WildStar. What’s the most overused cute creature in an MMO? What can you still intellectually acknowledge is meant to be cute while experiencing no cute admiration due to saturation?