Ever, Jane’s fourth update of open beta has gone live this afternoon, bringing new homes and horses to the Jane Austen-themed period MMORPG. “We’re eager to add the townhouses and cottages to home ownership, fundamental changes to the Story system, additional construction on the Estate, carriages you can both drive and ride as a passenger, the first implementation of much awaited horseback riding and more!” 3 Turn Productions writes today.
Expect new and larger buildings (with basement!) in Tyrehampton, but be warned: If you’ve not logged in within the last month, you’ll be getting a warning email and then an eviction notice.
And as for horses? 3TP says it’s not a “polished experience” with finished animations or jumping, but you can indeed trot through the village now — or be ferried around in a multi-person carriage. Just don’t try to summon your horse inside a building (it will work, sort of!).