In the brief time since its Chinese branch announced another delay, Snail Games has put out a pair of previews for its upcoming reboot of Dark and Light.
“Many of Dark and Light’s creatures exhibit the features of their environment, both in appearance and ability,” says the studio on Facebook in showing off what look to be some nasty spiked sabercats. “You’ll need to prepare proper elemental defenses against them if you go exploring in any extreme climate zones. Because they’re already acclimated to their environment, taming such creatures will give you an invaluable companion when exploring these regions.”
The second piece is an ultra-brief gif of players racing into battle on horseback.
A week ago, the game’s Chinese website apologized to players for “again” making the decision to extend development, thereby delaying beta until summer. It was originally intended to launch in the fall of last year, as we chronicled last week.