In an interview yesterday with Dadi’s LOTRO Guides, CM Jerry “Cordovan” Snook said that the team is preparing a big reveal today for the expansion that should include the name and some key details. Additionally, the first beta preview is set to go live on the Bullroarer test server by this weekend. This test won’t be the full expansion, as the team wants to hold back the epic story and some other major content as to not spoil surprises.
Snook confirmed that there will be a level cap increase with Mordor (although he wouldn’t say what it is) and that the virtue cap will increase by one. The expansion is still on track for release in late summer 2017, with a follow-up patch that will add in group content (such as the new raid).
Another topic discussed during the interview was LOTRO’s constant lag issues. The team is working on the underlying problems and has prepared some additional graphics options that will allow players to fine-tune their performance in an upcoming patch.
A 64-bit client is being worked on by the team, although no promises were made about a time frame or its even coming to the light.