When you’re going into one of the Monster Hunting games, you pretty much know what to expect: big weapons, bigger creatures, biggest battles. And so it looks to be true with everything we’ve seen of the multiplayer Monster Hunter World so far.
This week, Capcom released a new trailer to show off the Wildspire Waste region. It’s hard to soak in the scenery when every last inch of fauna seems hellbent on wiping you out, so it’s natural if your attention is fixed on the large and wily mobs, which include a rock-using dodo and some army ants.
Monster Hunter World is aiming for an early 2018 release on Xbox One and PlayStation 4, with a PC version to follow. As a bonus, the studio also tossed in a “Hunting 101” guide for greenhorns coming into the franchise for the first time. Check them out after the break!