Twiddling your thumbs after having conquered and subdued the world in Citadel: Forged With Fire? You’ll soon have more than enough challenge on your plate with an upcoming release that will add endgame dungeons and bosses.
The team said that the three new dungeons will present an “extreme combat challenge” for groups, but simply accessing them is going to be difficult in and of itself: “Unlocking access to the dungeons themselves will require the unraveling of an ancient mystery. Three soul stones, each imbued with the essence of an ageless evil, have been shattered and dispersed across the land of Ignus. It is up to you, intrepid wizards, to find and repair these soul stones, use them to enter the domain of three legendary beasts, and banish them back into the darkness.”
The game’s November 3rd patch added the ability to upgrade structure materials, attack towers, and defensive towers without the need to tear down and rebuild. Citadel also included a new raid warning screen to give players a heads-up if someone is attacking their base.