Every MMORPG player knows that there is something incredible and magical in the feeling that you get when you take your very first steps into a new game. It’s the fresh scent of the unknown mixed with potential, excitement, and energy.
Reader François knows this all too well as he documents an early moment from Final Fantasy XIV: “The trees of the Shroud meet the sky as Kan-E-Senna watches a young adventurer depart for the other nations of Eorzea. A familiar sight for anyone who started in Gridania.”
Small pet peeve, but when your city has a name like “Gridania” and your street patterns are all twisty-turny, you’re going to make my eye twitch. Elves need to buy better urban planners, IMO.
I had a surprising number (three) of readers actually email in submissions this past week, which as you all well know means that they get to cut in line and be guaranteed a spot in this column. THIS I COMMAND.
“This is a nice shot of Grinderz, Shadowfax and Gandalf during the end of the horse quests that you received with the top Rohan purchase in Lord of the Rings Online,” said Todd. “I am just about to be told that I am indeed a good horse and a wonderful Mearas descendant. I liked the mountains in the background merging with the sky.”
Then there was reader Caelium, who showed both the majesty and the terraform impossibility of Blade and Soul’s landscape: “This shot is of my Soul Fighter soaring through the sky with the towering mountain peaks in the back ground, stretching so high as to pierce the clouds.
“I do so miss you, Landmark,” wrote Dobie.
It’s OK, Dobie. EverQuest Next will be out any day now and will blow Landmark out of the water.
Was that mean? It sounded a little mean. I’m sorry, Dobie. I’d go back and change it but I’m really way too lazy.
Just the other day Bree and I were chatting in the MOP office about how endearingly charming Staxel looked and, darn it, we’re going to have to play it at some point. Probably sooner now that Liandreth sent in this picture of the game’s early access.
“I was hunting for bugs on our Staxel server and thought the shot was pretty,” she said.
Do you have some MMOs on your backlog or sitting in your Steam library that you’ve been dragging your feet on playing? This week’s screenshot challenge is to take the plunge into a new game and show us a pic or two of your initial journey!