- The map was apparently a “challenge” because the devs wanted to show off the big central structure from as many views as possible. “Unfortunately, this meant that we had to compromise later in development by going through and marking certain objects to cull at specific distances, so that FPS wouldn’t drop to extremely low levels on moderately powerful machines.”
- They are working on the API support again.
- “We’re not working on GvG as a full supported game mode. We are working on some various features to support groups who engage in large scale team fights, such as an eventual custom arena map that is designed for for larger groups. But I’d never call it a fully supported new game mode.”
- Conquest maps and Stronghold fixes are back in the tweaking and prototyping stage. “We have a lot on our plate though, so it’s probably a ways down the line.” Even so, “it’s fairly unlikely Stronghold ever makes it into ranked play again.”
- A personal library to handle the pages and books that haven’t been tackled yet is low on the priority list.
- They know about the fishing event bug, the IG-6417 golem collection issue, the bug with the final boss, and the problem with viewing harmful effects on the ground. They also know you want the creepy trailer music separately.
- What bug delayed the episode’s rollout? “It was an odd one caused by replaying the final mission. Because of the way that boss fight works it would change your current objective in the middle of it.”
- Anet is “still investigating” guild hall arena issues.
- Expect more Gorrick and Blish in the future.
Incidentally, avocado smoothies are serious business.
- Ever wonder why the “sulfurous haze” from Guild Wars 1 isn’t much of a factor in GW2? Bobby Stein says he doesn’t know. “It could have been considered secondary to the story, or it may have been viewed as an obstacle to the mount system or desired gameplay. Either way, it was likely discussed by the PoF team at length before a final direction was chosen.”
- There was some player skepticism over recasting Rox’s voice actress; ArenaNet says they decided to take the character “in another direction.”
As to the Olmakhan:
“The charr originally started as a small side-attraction in the map. When their lore and culture was established, it was so well received we decided to incorporate them more heavily into the overall narrative.” Moreover: “We’re fascinated by the Olmakhan — especially the different take they have on traditional charr culture — and by Rox’s ongoing quest to find a group that feels like home to her. There’s lots more to explore on both counts, for sure.” But. “The Olmakhan define their culture to a significant degree by the ways in which they differ from traditional charr culture. There’s no indication the wider charr society is even aware of them, much less that their majority culture could ever be consumed by this tiny, isolationist offshoot. I wouldn’t worry overmuch about it. :-)”
Finally, Anet says it understands AMAs the same day as launch aren’t necessarily the best timing and has a forum chat planned for the middle of March, but they aren’t going to stop the AMAs that take place before most people have even played.
Source: Reddit