“We’ve got the story in 5.9 coming out in May, and that’s going to conclude the whole Theron traitor story arc and put a capper on the Eternal Throne-related activities, for the most part, in terms of being the focus of the story. And we’re definitely going to be getting back to a Republic-vs.-Empire-core storyline — getting back to that war — revitalizing it into the core original SWTOR conflict.”
However, it’s not quite time to jump up and down, yet. After Boyd said that during the interview, Musco inserted, “We’re still figuring out what the expansion really is,” hinting that most of the pieces aren’t really settled, yet.
In the meantime, the Cartel Market is shifting to one that is focused more on direct sales and less on the Cartel Packs. Yesterday, SWTOR launched nearly all Cartel Market armor, weapons, toys, and companions that were once in packs as direct sales and plans on placing decorations in there in the near future.
As mentioned, Update 5.9 will conclude the traitor storyline and will hit at the beginning of May. But there will at least be a 5.10 before the expansion hits. SWTOR fan and YouTuber Vulkk plans on diving deep with 5.9 and 5.10 questions when he talks with Musco and Boyd on Friday. Perhaps then we can learn more about the true fate of SWTOR for this year.