Move an object from one place to another. Get from one place to another. Avoid being touched by this object.
It all seems so simple, when you look at it from the right angle. Everything’s simple until it isn’t. And when it isn’t, it’s suddenly impossible. You start to break down the moments of the act, the minute expressions, and you realize that it all looked simple because you were focused on the goals. No one was struggling because they misunderstood the goals; the goals were obvious. They struggled because those goals were genuinely difficult to achieve.
Sometimes it’s hard to get an object from one place to another. Fortunately, replying to What Are You Playing looks and is easy. Maybe writing this looks easy, too. I couldn’t tell you.
​Andrew Ross (@dengarsw): ​Splatfest part 2 in Splatoon 2. Team Donnie all the way! Pokemon Go will happen too, as will Conan Exiles (loving the changes). I need to hit Sea of Thieves again too because I feel poor as heck!
Brianna Royce (@nbrianna, blog): I have been super sick, and my kids are sick too, so I’m not sure I’ll get to play much. If I do, it’ll probably be Trove! I’ve been really tempted to check out MJ’s Conan Exiles server too.
Eliot Lefebvre (@Eliot_Lefebvre, blog): Usual stuff, really; this weekend will mostly be about Final Fantasy XIV and Final Fantasy XI, though. There’s always stuff to be done, you know.
Justin Olivetti (@Sypster, blog): I’m still diligently plugging away at getting my Hunter and Death Knight’s class mounts in World of Warcraft, so the challenge there is not to be distracted by all of the side activities. I have some light plans to finish up the last Secret World Legends patch (I think I’m very close to the end of it) and dig back into the excellent Pillars of Eternity.
MJ Guthrie (@MJ_Guthrie, blog): I am totally going to be burying myself in Conan Exiles with some breaks for ARK: Survival Evolved. Maybe a little Star Trek Online to make level 11 before this weekend’s event ends.
Pierre, patron: The Elder Scrolls Online is definitely my MMO to spend some chilly time in these days. I really enjoy exploring the lands of Tamriel. A lot of exploration too in Far Cry 5; have you noticed how easy it is to forget about your mission and spend a lot of time exploring the beautiful landscapes recreated in this gorgeous game? Until a bunch of cultists interrupt your reverie. Finally, I’m also back playing Destiny 2 with the launch of the new DLC Warmind. I still love this game. It’s a grindy game, but I love grinding. Enjoy your gaming weekend MOP readers.
Your turn!