Last week, I ran a Daily Grind asking readers about how patient they are about MMOs that take a looooong time to really hit their stride and actually become, you know, fun. But several readers objected, suggesting that this is no longer a serious problem in the MMORPG genre.
“More games turn into trash after the first 10 hours today,” Armsbend wrote. “Today, the first 10 is the hook to get you into the cash shop. […] It seems like every time a major release come out […] the complaint is usually that there is no endgame. To which the developers’ auto-reply is, It’s coming later; patience.”
So let’s flip it around. How patient are you for MMOs that frontload their content? Do you hang around and wait for some semblance of an endgame to materialize, or you do head off to another MMO while the devs catch up?