Star Citizen’s 3.3 alpha just released to the Evocati testers, but it’s under NDA, so there’s nothing to talk about…
Haha just kidding. Reddit is positively overflowing with spoilers on the game’s next big thing thanks to the leakers and patch-note compilers.
Redditor 244958 – totally his real name – uploaded a bunch of videos; there’s a look at layover stops, FPS AI, and the Mustang Delta. Worth pointing out is that these do show off bugs in the test build on purpose (that’s why we have them); they’re not really the game’s best look. However, they still have plenty to recommend them.
Xian cargo ships via Elise_93:
Daymar environment blending, courtesy of Redditor scaleofthought:
Of course, as we noted last week, a large number of key content bits, including OCS and Hurston, were removed from 3.3 in order to get 3.3 out to everyone by October 10th. What’s left in 3.3, however, caters primarily to those who’ve spent real money on the relevant ships. We don’t know when those removed features, ensconced in the newly named 3.3.5 patch, will arrive.