One Shots: Concept art showcase


In last week’s edition of One Shots, I issued perhaps my most peculiar challenge yet. I asked readers (for once) not to submit any of their own screenshots but rather their favorite pieces of MMORPG concept art. This proved to be quite the siren’s call, and the column was deluged in gorgeous pieces. I know I had a hard time picking out just five of my faves!

We’ll start with this amazing piece done to honor a late, great superhero MMO. “Does post-concept art by the lead artist count?” asked Hikari. “Spirit of Paragon was made after the announced closure of City of Heroes. This is such an evocative image of the spirit to move forward and onward despite the loss of the past.”

Amen to that!

“I don’t know if it’s the limitations of the HeroEngine, or just Bioware choosing the style, but I have to wonder if only Star Wars: The Old Republic more closely matched some of its fantastic concept art,” wrote Rees Racer. “I suppose hardware limitations (for the players) back at the start of the decade played a significant role as well. Regardless, I’m ready for a new Star Wars MMO.”

I second that — the cosmetics really could be a bit better, especially when you look at concept art and the cinematics.

“Here is a nice sun setting sample from Sword Art Online, which was a MMO that never really moved beyond the concept,” said Utakata.

I nominated this one because I liked the genial, warm feeling that a bunch of relatively happy-looking adventurers radiate. Often people in concept art look angry and constipated and angripated, but this piece tells you that this isn’t going to be that kind of game.

Miol thought that this Guild Wars 2 image was good enough for museum walls: “What kind of concept art looks more pristine than a city (of anthropomorphic polar bears, nevertheless) inspired by Tibetan monastery architecture, which is at the same time a sailing iceberg vessel?”

I think this may be one of the only pieces of Lord of the Rings Online concept art that I’ve never actually seen before. Amorey posted this, saying that it was a “favorite.” Looking at these Hobbits, man, it makes me crave a massive graphic and art upgrade to include these kinds of models!

As fun as that was — hairy toes and all — lets get back to sharing our own in-game photography! We’re all pretty used to the screenshot trope of a character sitting or standing with his or her back to the camera and looking out at a gorgeous vista. But have you ever taken one of these that really wowed you? Let’s see it!

Every week, One Shots shines a spotlight on the best community screenshots from your MMO adventures. If you have a great pic to share, email it to with the subject “One Shots.” Make sure that the picture is over 880px wide and comes with a description or story!
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