One Shots: Winter is… here!


As I’m prepping this column, we’re in the middle of a nice early November snowstorm. I’m sort of wondering where fall went and why I’m getting cheated out of wearing yoga pants while sipping pumpkin spice lattes. Oh well, guess it’s time for the shovel and salt!

But winter isn’t all bad, especially when you get those pristine “just snowed” views. Utakata shared us this picture from what I presume to be Blade and Soul, and I thought that it was magnificent. Almost made me forget about the sun setting before I even have dinner.

Ned Stark, I blame you for all this.

Reader Yrys went sight-seeing in Lord of the Rings Online’s Dale region and found much that was pleasing to the eye: “Erebor has a lot of scenic areas. Here I am looking at the no longer quite as new, rebuilt Lake-town.”

Waterfront property… everywhere! Heating bills would be a tad extreme, I would think.

Level-up shots was last week’s screenshot challenge, and we got a few rather nostalgic entries. Our first one of these was from JohnD, whose entry is especially relevant in this upcoming era of classic servers.

“Here is my first character in World of Warcraft, Johanis, who dinged level 60 back in 2006,” he said. “Back in those days it really took a lot of work to level that high.”

Or if you want to go back even further, how about the Diablo series? Hey, I hear you can get it on your phone these days!

“Back in my day, we didn’t have no fancy schmancy Broadway show when we leveled up. Naw, we just got a little button to click on and spend our points. And maybe we just ignored that button until we were good and gosh-darned ready to click on it …and we liked it that way!”

“Getting to level 100 in LOTRO was a big deal to me,” submitted Amorey. “I was in Dol Amroth in Gondor. To find this screenshot I went back in my old folders where I still keep hundreds of images for what I do consider my best years in the game. So many memories came flooding back. Those golden days of LOTRO are no more, the game is very different today. I look back to those times with nostalgia, a bit of sadness, and, this must be said, gratitude I was allowed to live in Middle-earth for so long.”

Speaking of looking back with NostalgiaVision, do you have any pictures of MMO zones, features, or things that simply are no more (or aren’t the same) in your game? This week’s particular screenshot challenge is to share those and let us know what was intriguing about them!

Every week, One Shots shines a spotlight on the best community screenshots from your MMO adventures. If you have a great pic to share, email it to with the subject “One Shots.” Make sure that the picture is over 880px wide and comes with a description or story!
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