It’s been a hot minute since we poked our noses into what cutesy MMORPG Tree of Savior is up to, and as it turns out, quite a bit. The two-and-a-half-year-old MMO always seems to go quiet and then resurface with some big announcement, like a combat and leveling revamp, server merges, intense balancing changes, new classes, and even the Nexon investment. And this month is no different.
According to last week’s post on the official site, the game’s next big thing involves “drastic change” to the rank system as part of its so-called “[Re:Build]” update. Apparently, while the game developers believe that variety in character development is part of the game’s central philosophy, the current design makes player choices too limited; consequently, the same handful of “valid” builds are reused by players over and over again with little variation.
“The restructuring of the rank system, at its core, aims to re-value all available classes equally and further develop their feature characteristics and personality. In order for this to happen, we will be restructuring the convoluted rank advancement system and removing manual stat point allocation that did little to affect the direction of character growth. Furthermore, class trees will be expanded and rearranged to reinforce the role and the purpose of every class available in the tree. Overall, the new job advancement system will be more intuitive and convenient in comparison and the underutilized lower rank classes will be repurposed through the ‘horizontal’ restructuring of the rank system to provide our players with more versatile means to enjoy the game.”
You can read all the details on the official site. As of how, the build is in internal testing and is expected to release later this month.