Star Trek Online promises next year’s story arc will ‘change the face of the game’

What will next year bring for Star Trek Online? We don’t know just yet, but according to a recent interview with lead designer Al Rivera on the Priority One podcast, we should be ready for something big. Rivera promises that the next story arc will change something significant about the game and that it will make a currently unhappy group of players happier:

Next year’s story arc, its more then just a story arc, its going to change the face of the game…. I’m not going to play 100 questions with you on what is going to change, but we are changing something significant in the game as a result of the arc we are telling[…]

Obviously, the fact that it’s not changing the fundamental nature of the game means that there are limitations to how severe this change could actually be, but it’s interesting to speculate about what could be on deck for the next major arc. The guesses from players at this point involve either exploration mechanics or new PvP content, although there’s little to go on from the quote itself. We’ll just have to speculate until the story arc rolls around, but it’s great fuel for speculation all the same.

Source: Priority One Podcast #414 via official forums; thanks to Panagiotis for the tip!
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