Car racing MMOs have endured bumpy runs in the genre, including the late Project Torque (also called Level R and HEAT Online). Torque ran from 2006 through 2014, after which it was quietly taken offline. Offline, that is, until now.
A bunch of fans are attempting to resurrect the racing game as an emulator with what seems like official permission: “A team of dedicated fans have spent the last 6 months working on getting this legendary game, Project Torque, back online. We have been working with Invictus (the developers who made the game) to bring it back online and in June 2019 we got confirmation that it will be coming back!
And this is just the beginning of the rest of the news! Read on for a roundup of other smaller MMO news stories and videos from this past week in this edition of The MOP Up (and if you don’t see a news story that we should have covered, drop us a tip)!
Aion Europe posted the winners of the game’s recent pirate costume contest. Spoiler: They all look cooler than you. The mobile Legions of War has a new patch that added in the fate system and universal seeds.
“We’re partnering with the legendary team at Smilegate to bring CrossFire to console for the first time ever,” Microsoft said.
Love Red Dead Redemption 2’s soundtrack? It’s coming to stores on July 12th!
Over 35% of EVE Online’s players have already upgraded to the optional 64-bit client.
If you’re into the systems of Neverwinter, you probably want to check out the recent AMA that the team hosted.
Guild Wars 2 is hotfixing a problem with ground-targeting skills. Look for that on Monday.
Lineage II is wrapping up its 15th anniversary celebration with… a summer squash event? Huh. Sure. Why not.
What’s that guy doing on his phone over there? Probably playing PUBG Mobile, as that game’s passed 400 million downloads and 50 million daily players.
Old School RuneScape dropped a patch that made changes for PvP, such as making Tier 10 emblems tradable and allowing looting bags in certain areas.
Pirate101’s June newsletter is out with a pillow fight, the return of nautical XP parties, and a look at Puerto Mico’s zone.
You can now trade hamsters in Wizard101 and I really, really hope that’s not code for something gross.
Missed out on Elder Scrolls Online’s E3 showing? Zenimax has a helpful summary to catch you up on the important details.
Heroes of the Storm is getting all mecha-happy with its newest update. Grab some skins and mounts and then jump into the MechoStorm II event. [Thanks NOTxNSANE!]
War of Rights’ Alpha Update 154 adds “the 4th skirmish area of South Mountain: Reno’s Fall as well as several UI, environment and regimental fixes.”
Unreal Engine 4 wrote up a piece on Astroneer that’s worth a read: “The road to release was met with challenges, however. Astroneer was initially prototyped in Unity, but the studio faced performance issues and quickly realized that their growing ambitious would require a more robust engine, so they switched to UE4.”
Lost Ark is already busy expanding in Korea with its second episode:
Warframe’s Jovian Concord update is now available on all consoles:
One-winged angels known as Kamael are coming to Lineage 2 Revolution as a playable race: