You all should be thanking me. I was going to make this headline say that Project Torque had crossed the finish line. But I didn’t. Because I want to be better than that for you. Trust me, though, it took a lot of willpower not to reach for that low-hanging fruit. This isn’t about me, though; this is about the online racer making it to its crowdfunding goal.
Here’s some backstory: Project Torque was online from 2006 to 2014 before it went dark. Fans of the game, however, were not about to let the game go and confirmed plans to bring it back with the blessing of developer Invictus back in June. A crowdfunding drive to raise $10k was started in order to cover the costs of putting together a working build of the game and to settle legal contracts between the fan devs and Invictus. Today, that crowdfunding drive has hit its mark with a little extra change.
According to the crowdfunding rundown on the official site, Project Torque will launch on Steam and Discord, avoiding the Epic Games Store entirely, which will bring some folks no end of joy for some extremely odd reason. The devs also promise that 80% of the cars in-game will be earned by spending in-game currency. Buyable vehicles will cost at “absolute max” around $12 USD, with the vast majority of cars costing about $3 to $6 USD.